Latest about Human immunity which is the most effective drug against diseases 2021

Human immunity is the most effective drug against diseases

The immune system is the body's defense system, which resists the invasion of external viruses and foreign bodies, and can also deal with aging, damaged, and dead cells in the body. Immunity is one of the most important indicators to measure a person's health, susceptibility to disease, and prognosis. It is not difficult to understand why in the same environment, some people are ill while others are still healthy, even if they are ill, the time it takes for everyone to recover is different.

Zhang Wenhong introduced that when a virus or foreign body breaks through the line of defense and invades the human body, human immunity is the most effective drug against diseases without the action of specific drugs. The level of human immunity also directly affects the prognosis of the disease. For people with strong immunity, the virus is like a cold, which can be carried over quickly; for people with poor immunity, it is easy to develop severe illness, or even cause a variety of complications.

  Eight types of food can improve immunity

1.   Mushroom

Shiitake is the best mushroom. Shiitake mushrooms are often referred to as "mountain treasures". They are rich in vitamin B complex and provitamin D, which can effectively improve immunity, fight tumors, and lower blood lipids. Everyone can eat more every day.

Mushrooms also contain special "health care" ingredients-mushroom polysaccharides. Mushroom polysaccharides have strong anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, can inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and are nutrients that improve human immunity. Moreover, it can be used clinically to enhance the immunity of cancer patients and exert anti-cancer effects.

2.   Honey

Honey has excellent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic functions. The shelf life of high-quality honey can be permanent, so long-term use can improve immunity, prevent bacterial and viral infections, and has miraculous effects on fatty liver.

3.   Baby dishes

Baby cabbage is a kind of "super small cabbage", but its potassium content is much higher than that of cabbage. According to measurements, every 100 grams of baby cabbage contains about 287 mg of potassium, while the same weight of cabbage only contains 130 mg of potassium. Potassium is an important element to maintain neuromuscular irritability and normal function. People who often feel tired can eat more baby vegetables to have a good regulatory effect. The common "baby cabbage in soup" is a good practice. Add some enoki mushrooms and use chicken broth to make the stock, which is also good for improving immunity.

4.   Gai Cai

   Gai Cai is also called mustard greens. When it comes to folic acid, everyone thinks of spinach. In fact, the content of folic acid in mustard greens ranks first among leafy greens. The content of vitamin C in mustard is second only to cabbage. It also contains flavonoids, sulforaphane and indole, etc., which can prevent cell aging, tumors and cancer, and improve immunity.

5.   Red dates

The rutin in jujube can soften blood vessels, while cyclic adenosine monophosphate has the effect of improving immunity and anti-cancer. However, jujube is a warm food, and it is easy to get angry if you eat too much. It is advisable to 3-5 per person per day.

6 Purple potato

Purple sweet potato contains a large amount of mucus protein, which can prevent the atrophy of connective tissues of the liver and kidney, improve the body's immunity, and prevent the occurrence of collagen diseases. The minerals contained in purple potato play a very important role in maintaining and regulating human body functions. The contained calcium and magnesium can prevent osteoporosis.

7.   Banana

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, and vitamin B6 has a good effect on enhancing human immunity. It can also prevent skin cancer and bladder cancer. Vitamin B6 can also protect the kidneys from calculus, and has a therapeutic effect on insomnia. The intake of vitamin B6 does not need to be much, just 2 mg per day, which is equivalent to the content in 2 bananas. In addition to bananas, foods rich in vitamin B6 include chicken, fish, animal liver, potatoes, pears and sunflower seeds.


   Raisins are rich in nutrients and rich in natural fructose, which can quickly replenish energy. Office workers, especially women, can eat a small handful of raisins every day, which is good for alleviating cold hands and feet, low back pain, anemia, etc., and improving immunity. In addition, raisins are also effective in lowering cholesterol and clearing the intestines.

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